Our company has existed in Loděnice near Beroun for more than 65 years and has been, in the long term, the largest employer in the region. Despite changing the company´s name for several times and extending the product portfolio, one thing still remains. It is vinyl records, that have always stood, and will always stand for our company.
Today, we manufacture and sell them basically worldwide. However, it by far does not make us forget where we come from. It is exactly our roots, which make us feel responsible towards our employees and local communities in the regions where we operate, as well as in the regions where our colleagues not only work, but first of all live. That means in the towns of Loděnice and Soběslav, and their closer and wider neighbourhoods.
And it was primarily for this reason, why the charity fund named
GRAMOFOND was established in 2017, the main aim of which is to help exactly these regions and their local communities, as well as to support projects and initiatives, where our employees are involved.